Jurata in the red zone

Red zone in the Puck district. Do you have to wear a mask on the beach in Jurata?

From Saturday, October 10, 2020, the Puck district was included in the so-called The "red zone" due to the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. Jastarnia and Jurata are also on the list of cities where the Police conducts increased activities in connection with counteracting the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. More stringent restrictions apply here.

On Saturday, October 10, 2020, a new regulation of the Council of Ministers of October 9, 2020 on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of the epidemic, entered into force. There is little logic in it, but the law is the law.

Published content of the act available here>

The yellow zone across the country

The regulation introduces the so-called "Yellow zone" throughout the country, with only areas that have been marked in red. Changes were also introduced regarding the restrictions in force in the yellow zone. The most important change is the requirement to wear masks in all public places, excluding green areas, forests, parks, squares and beaches.

Puck in the red zone

The entire Puck district, including Jurata and other towns on the Hel Peninsula, are included in the red zone. This means that when going on vacation to Jurata, we must remember about the new restrictions:

  • Obligation to cover the nose and mouth
    Cover your mouth and nose with a mask, helmet, garment or helmet in all public places, shops, streets and public transport. Covering the mouth and nose is not necessary in forests, parks and beaches! Persons with an appropriate medical certificate are also exempt from wearing the mask.

Please note that GPs do not issue such certificates. They can only be obtained from a specialist doctor.

This means that we do not have to wear the masks on the pier or during walks along the promenade over the Bay of Puck., and because Jurata lies within the forest borders and within the Coastal Landscape Park and the Natura 2000 area, according to our interpretation, wearing masks also on the streets of Jurata is not obligatory, but also would not have any rational justification. It should be noted that people coming to Jurata, especially in the autumn months, are guided by the advantages of sea air and iodine, which is present here not only by the sea, but also in the depths of the Hel Peninsula. The width of the resort, measured from the beach on the Baltic Sea to the beach on the Puck Bay, is only about 500 m. Additionally, the whole Jurata is covered with dense forest, bushes and forest undergrowth, which can be classified as green or park. The population density is negligible here, it is in vain to look for large gatherings and clusters of people. Strong winds also blow here, which clean the air on an ongoing basis. In such conditions, it is difficult to transmit any virus.

Of course, law enforcement officers may have a different opinion. We do not advise you to enter into a discussion with them as they are not authorized to interpret the rules. For the sake of peace and quiet, it is worth to cover your mouth and nose when reprimanded. However, if the over-zealousness of the officers led to a willingness to issue a ticket, you may refuse to accept such a ticket. The case will then be referred to the court. It must be remembered that the competent court will be the court in Wejherowo, and in defense of your rights you will have to appear at the hearing away from your place of residence. It may be more expensive than paying PLN 500. mandate.

With the introduction of new restrictions, the rhetoric of the government and representatives of services responsible for maintaining public order, including the Police, has changed significantly. In recent statements, one could hear that citizens will be "forced" to cover their mouths and nose by threats of sending an application to the Sanepid, for the initiation of separate (additional) administrative proceedings against insubordinate persons, which may result in the imposition of an administrative penalty of up to 30,000 . PLN. Administrative penalties, unlike fines imposed by the Police, are subject to immediate execution.

Please note that such possible behavior of law enforcement officers is highly unacceptable, and such wording should never be used by those responsible for creating and enforcing the law. Forcing citizens to take any actions by means of threats to direct separate proceedings or incur several sanctions for one act is illegal, contrary to the principles of coexistence and dangerously interfering with civil liberties, no matter how big the threat is. Such an approach is a clear violation of the legal order and an abuse of powers by public officials themselves!


  • New rules for the operation of gastronomic establishments 
    In the red zone, eateries will be open from 6:00 to 22:00. There should be a safe distance in such places throughout the country - there should be at least 4 m2 per person.
    Also throughout the country, no places for dancing may be made available in restaurants and other closed rooms.


  • Limits at special events and weddings
    In the red zone, all special events, including weddings, can be organized for no more than 50 people.


  • New rules in cultural activities
    There is a total ban on organizing and participating in cultural events in the red zone. In closed spaces such as cinemas or theaters, up to 25% audiences can stay.
    A maximum of 100 people can participate in cultural events that take place outdoors - however, the number of viewers, listeners, visitors or participants cannot exceed 1 person per 5 m2.


  • Assembly
    No more than 150 people may participate in open-air assemblies, and participants are required to cover their mouths and nose, and keep a distance of at least 1.5 m between them. There must be a distance of not less than 100 m between the various assemblies.

The introduced restrictions are valid "until further notice". On the basis of the published legal act, it is not possible to state when they will be abolished, because the regulation does not define a specific time frame for the validity of the episodic provisions. 


REGULATION OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS of October 9, 2020 on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with an epidemic (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1758)